Engine Oil Additives | Best Types of Additives #1 | Gars Lubricants

Different types of engine oil additives are made available to fit different engines and applications. Certain additives for engine oil are intended to stop chemical breakdown within the oil, while other additives enhance viscosity, encourage cleanliness, dissolve deposits, and stop corrosion. Synthetic and conventional motor oils generally include a mixture of different kinds of additives for oil that are designed specifically for a specific kind of engine. The aftermarket oil supplements could contain only one type of additive that is specifically designed to tackle an issue or blend of additives that improve the overall health of your engine.
Here are the most common kinds of additives to oil that can be used in motor oil and products for oil that are sold aftermarket:
1. Viscosity Modifiers
Most often regarded as the top product for engine maintenance, viscosity modulators can improve the viscosity index of oil. When oil is heated or cools in an engine, the viscosity of the oil changes. The index of viscosity in an oil tells how much viscosity fluctuates. If the motor oil is subject to significant fluctuations in viscosity, it can become thin at high temperatures and will be too thick to flow correctly in cold temperatures. Viscosity modifiers also referred to as viscosity index improvement (VIIs) ensure that the viscosity of your oil is within a suitable level, regardless of the temperature outside.
2. Anti-Wear Additives
Anti-wear oil additives cover surfaces and engine parts to guard them against wear. The additives are activated by heat and react with metal and create the appearance of a thin film of lubrication. By improving the engine’s lubrication anti-wear additives can reduce friction and can prevent seizure of the engine even when the motor oil’s lubricating layer has diminished. Certain anti-wear additives for engine oil also reduce oxidation and stop corrosion.
The majority of anti-wear additives are made up of the zinc dithiophosphate phosphorus compound (ZDDP). While ZDDP is a good lubricant however it can also cause increased emissions and decrease the lifespan that your catalytic converter has if it is found in the exhaust gas. Gars Lubricants provides the Zinc Replacement Additive which is made without ZDDP to help lubricate your engine efficiently while reducing emissions and securing your converter’s catalytic components.
3. Corrosion and Rust Inhibitors
The rust inhibitors and corrosion inhibitors shield your engine from harmful corrosion by neutralizing acids in your engine oil and reducing the process of oxidation. Most commonly, they are made from barium sulfonate as well as calcium These additives to oil make a barrier on the parts of the engine made of metal to block water from entering and to prevent corrosion and rust.
Detergents are specifically designed to ensure that your engine runs free of dirt by eliminating deposits from the engine’s parts and stopping rust. Detergents neutralize impurities in oil and acids that are created by the process of oxidation. Since detergents help ensure that engine oil deposits and impurities are insoluble These types of oil additives are vital to prevent oil sludge from entering the engine of your vehicle.
5. Dispersants
As a companion to detergents dispersants can stop sludge and deposition from dispersing solid particles into the engine oil. Dispersants maintain the cleanliness of your engine by keeping particles and impurities from getting stuck on metal parts. Dispersants can also aid in maintaining the high viscosity of the engine oil to ensure its performance at any temperature.
6. Antifoamants
Antiformants are additives to oil that are designed to stop foaming in motor oil when it passes throughout the motor. Antifoamants lower the tension that exists between the engine’s oil and air bubbles and allows the bubbles to pop and disperse faster. Without anti foaming ingredients, motor oil may produce tiny air bubbles, which can cause pressure reduction and cavitation. Foaming of oil also affects the lubrication of engines and ultimately leads to corrosion. This is why antifoams indirectly guard against corrosion by preventing the formation of foam from engine oils.
When applying antifoams, be careful not to use too much. If they are used excessively the oil additives could create a reverse impact and boost the production of bubbles. Antifoaming oil additives for engines are best used in concentrations of about twenty parts per million or less.
When deciding on the most suitable additive for your engine take into consideration the composition that your oil has as well as areas where it might be deficient. Review the instruction for the oil additive to make sure it’s compatible with the motor oil you use and does not interfere with other additives that might be in the mix. If you enhance your oil with a premium alternative oil additive from the market, you’ll be able to increase the efficiency of your engine and lessen wear and tear over the long term.
How Do Engine Oil Additives Work?
These additives enhance the efficiency of the engine as well as the oil contained within it. The way they accomplish this differs according to the type of the oil additive. Some oil additives cover internal components in your engine to increase the efficiency of lubrication, other additives trigger positive chemical reactions within the oil, which slow down degradation and oxidation.
The additives to your oil for lubrication — such as that of the Gars Lubricants oil supmentaltare used to coat the metal surfaces of the engine by a chemical reaction. When you begin your car after adding an oil additive to your engine the additive is mixed with the motor oil and is then pumped through your engine. The oil additives that have strong film will stick to the various internal parts of the engine.
The anti-wear film produced by engine oil additives has less shear force than metal parts, allowing it to prevent contact between metal and metal. The most effective oil additives adhere to the surfaces of your engine as well as components of your engine long after the engine has been shut down. This allows oil additives to provide a long-lasting protective layer in your engine, and reduce the wear and tear that occurs during start-up.
Premium engine oil additives for your engine also seal valve guides as well as piston rings within your engine. This aids in restoring compression which decreases the amount of oil used and boosts the efficiency of the engine. For vehicles with high mileage, the additives for engine oil can also aid in restoring the power and torque. If your engine is operating more efficiently, it reduces the amount of exhaust smoke and makes your engine more efficient.
Originally published at https://blog.garslubricants.com on June 14, 2022.